On May 7th 2011, Green Up Day, students and faculty from Riverside Middle School filled up 17 garbage bags with plastic litter and trash that has collected on the grounds of Riverside Park. It was a beautiful morning to be out doing something productive, and helping to make Springfield look a little nicer. It is amazing how much trash we found, especially along the River. Some of the students had fun climbing out on to a tree that fell in the river and trapped several plastic bottles, styrofoam packaging, a tennis ball, a basketball, and a tire. Rivers carry a lot of plastic litter into the worlds oceans. Plastic debris poses a huge threat to marine wildlife, such as sea turtles, fish, and albatross. The 5 Gyres Exploration Team has recently found garbage batches in the North Atlantic and South Atlantic oceans. Evan plastic as far inland as Vermont and New Hampshire can reach the ocean. So we did more than just get rid of an eye-soar. We helped divert plastic from entering the Atlantic Garbage Patch. We had about seven hard working students, along with five outstanding adults participate. The Girls Scouts also helped clean up the trails behind the football field. Thanks for your help guys, and thanks so much to Mrs. V for organizing the clean up.